Girl Develop It Buffalo

JS101 Class 3 Exercises: The DOM


The Logo Hijack

No homepage is safe from the logo bandit!

  • Open up in Chrome or Firefox, and open up the console.
  • Find the Google logo and store it in a variable.
  • Modify the source of the logo IMG so that it's a Yahoo logo instead.
  • Find the Google search button and store it in a variable.
  • Modify the text of the button so that it says "Yahooo!" instead.

About Me

Because every webpage needs an "About" section.

  • Start with this HTML and save it as "aboutme.html":
  • Add a script tag to the bottom.
  • Change the body style so it has a font-family of "Arial, sans-serif".
  • Replace each of the spans (nickname, favorites, hometown) with your own information.
  • Iterate through each li and change the class to "listitem". Add a style tag that sets a rule for "listitem" to make the color red.
  • Create a new img element and set its src attribute to a picture of you. Append that element to the page.